From Fridge to Face: 3 Food Based Skin Care Recipes

From Fridge to Face: 3 Food Based Skin Care Recipes

In our modern and complicated 24-7 life, its sometimes nice to get back to basics and live simply. Not sure where to start? Begin in the bathroom by nourishing your skin with the best ingredients nature can provide – food! Making your own beautifully simple skin care is environmentally friendly, zero waste and kind to your hip pocket too. Don’t spend money on expensive chemical laden skincare with fancy names. Its time for fridge to face beauty! Try these 3 simple and easy to make skincare recipes.

Clear Skin Masque
2 tablespoons of Honest to Goodness Organic Raw Honey

1 tablespoon of Bob’s Red Mill Aluminium Free Baking soda

Mix together and apply to face and massage on in a circular motion. Leave for 15-20 minutes then wash off with warm water.

Raw unfiltered and unpasteurised honey contains incredible nutritional value and health powers. It cleanses pores, nourishes skin and calms redness and is a natural antibacterial with wound healing effects which is great for helping to prevent acne. Baking soda is a great exfoliant, removing dead skin cells and clearing pores, leaving the surface of the skin feeling soft and smooth.

Unlocking Mental Performance Through Meditation

Unlocking Mental Performance Through Meditation

Unlocking your mental performance can seem daunting, but if you take the time to meditate each day and focus your energy on positive thoughts, you will find it helps you be more productive and efficient in your daily life. Also assisting in reducing stress, improving concentration and focus, heightening creativity, and improving physical and mental health.

Different meditation styles and which works best

Meditation is a practice that has been used for centuries to promote well-being and healthy living. It is a tried-and-true method for calming the mind, relieving stress, and creating a sense of inner peace and relaxation. There are numerous meditation styles, each with its unique benefits. Here, we explore popular meditation styles and explain which works best for unlocking mental performance.

A. Mindfulness meditation focuses on developing an awareness of your thoughts and emotions, enabling you to observe them without judgement.
B. Transcendental meditation relies on the repetition of a mantra to bring about a sense of calm and relaxation.
C. Loving-Kindness meditation encourages the practice of compassion, kindness, and acceptance toward yourself and others.
D. Visualisation meditation involves picturing peaceful and calming scenes.

Each of these meditation styles can be effective for unlocking mental performance. However, the best choice depends on individual preference; experiment with techniques to find the one that works best for you.

How to fit meditation into a busy schedule

In today’s hectic world, it can be challenging to find the time to fit in meditation–but it is possible. With a few simple steps, you can unlock the mental performance benefits of regular meditation and make it a part of your daily routine. Here are six tips to help you fit meditation into your busy schedule: 1) Set aside 10-20 minutes each day for your meditation practice; 2) Try to do it at the same time each day for consistency; 3) Make use of short guided meditations to fit into your schedule; 4) Find a place to sit in a comfortable position; 5) Make sure to relax, breathe deeply, and clear your mind; and 6) Incorporate meditation into your daily activities, such as your morning commute or lunch hour. With these tips, you’ll be able to unlock the power of meditation and find yourself feeling more relaxed and in control.

Developing a personal meditation practice

Meditation can improve your overall well-being and healthy living and be tailored to fit your needs. Once you have familiarised yourself with the basics of meditation, develop a personal meditation practice that works for you. Start with just a few minutes each day and gradually increase the length of your practice. Take time to find a comfortable place to meditate and relax and breathe. As you become more comfortable with meditation, you can explore more advanced techniques and tailor your approach to help you achieve a more calm and relaxed state of mind.

Creating a calming space for meditation

Creating a calming space for meditation is one of the critical aspects of unlocking mental performance. This space should be free of distractions and provide an atmosphere of well-being and healthy living. To ensure the best possible experience, we recommend arranging the area with comfortable furniture and items that evoke a sense of relaxation and peace. Soft lighting and calming music can help you reach a peaceful state. Once your space is established, it’s time to take a deep breath and relax as you begin your meditation journey.

Establishing a consistent meditation routine

Establishing a consistent meditation routine is one of the surest paths to achieving well-being and healthy living. We can learn to relax and be present in the moment through meditation. A consistent meditation routine is a powerful tool for unlocking mental performance, as it helps to bring about a sense of calm and clarity. It allows us to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of life and breathe. Establishing a mediation practice can help re-centre your focus and gain perspective on your life.

Strategies for staying focused during meditation

Staying focused on the present moment is the core of unlocking mental performance through meditation. Here are ten strategies to help you stay focused during meditation:

A. Set a timer and break your meditation session into shorter chunks.

B. Pay attention to your breathing and focus on each inhale and exhale.

C. Practise mindful body scanning – observe the sensations of your body in its current state.

D. Visualise yourself in a calm environment.

E. When thoughts arise, acknowledge them without judgment and let them pass.

F. Focus on the room’s energy and bring your attention back to your body.

G. Stay connected to your physical body and notice any sensations that arise.

H. Consider setting an intention for your meditation session.

I. Make sure you’re comfortable – adjust posture, clothing, and environment.

J. Allow yourself to be in the present moment and savour the feelings of relaxation and well-being

Regular meditation can help unlock your mental performance and true potential. Meditation can help reduce stress, increase focus, and improve clarity. Taking a few moments each day to practice mindfulness can help you tap into your inner potential and cultivate greater self-awareness and acceptance.

Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery

Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery

Undertaking any type of elective surgery can be a huge decision to make – and laser eye surgery is no different. However, if your hesitation stems from not knowing potential benefits of such a surgery, then it can be quite important to do your homework. You may just discover more advantages of the procedure than you set out to find. 

No Need For Glasses

Perhaps the biggest and most obvious benefit associated with laser eye surgery is that you no longer have to wear glasses. That means each morning, you can get out of bed, see everything around you, and don’t have to feel around for your glasses. 

It can also mean you don’t have to worry about keeping them safe, matching them to your outfit, or having to worry about upgrading your frames or lenses every so often.

5 Myths About Dental Implants Debunked

Dental implants have been a solution for replacing missing or damaged teeth for some time now and have transformed the lives of many people. However, they may not be the most commonly known dental treatment, and certainly, compared to people’s understanding of what dentures are, there is certainly a gap in knowledge with regards to dental implant treatments.

As with any medical treatment or procedure that people are not 100% aware of, rumours, myths, and scare stories are conjured up by some unknown person or persons that invariably try to put a negative spin on it. Unfortunately, many of these stories seem so believable that they are accepted as the truth, and as such someone might deny themselves the opportunity to benefit from a treatment, that would otherwise benefit them.

Dental implants are as much subject to these myths and untruths as any other kind of treatment, particularly as it is considered ‘cosmetic’ and therefore in some peoples’ minds deemed as a prime candidate for negative stories. So, in order to help anyone who might be considering dental implants but has been put off by one of these myths, we are going to debunk the five most commonly told.

Crohn’s Disease

What Do You Know About Crohn’s Disease?

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that can affect your digestive tract and overall health. Diet or food allergies do not cause it, but medication and eating well can help a person manage the symptoms.

This condition affects around one in 250 Australians, with at least 75,000 diagnosed cases of Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis in this country alone. That number is projected to increase, so the more you know about this condition, the more understanding you can be of it.

Brief Description of Crohn’s Disease
Both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis fall under the title of IBD or inflammatory bowel disease. Unlike ulcerative colitis, however, Crohn’s inflames the bowel wall and any part of your digestive tract – from your mouth to your anus. The most common age for a Crohn’s diagnosis is between ages 15 and 30, but a diagnosis at any time is not uncommon and is even being picked up in children as young as nine.


Why it Might be Time to Put Honey on the Shopping List

The general population is becoming far more health-conscious than ever before. We want to be eating well, making correct food choices, and checking nutritional value before we consume something. It’s going to put us in good stead in the future, but why not be looking for those extra-special ingredients now?

One such healthy and natural ingredient to help you start eating well is honey. Raw honey, of which there are hundreds of varieties, is both delicious and nutritious. Read on to learn why it might be time to scribble ‘honey’ on your shopping list.

It Can Help with Weight Management

Two in three Australian adults are overweight, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. However, eating well can be quite challenging for those who have been used to high fat and high sugar diets.

If you’ve got a bit of a sweet tooth, then raw, organic honey can help. Instead of using a lot of sugar in your snacks and meals, replace that sugary component with honey. Raw honey can lower your blood sugar levels, suppress the appetite hormone that alerts you to feelings of hunger, and promote weight loss. The best part is, it also satiates that craving for sweet stuff.


Signs You Might Have Periodontitis

If you haven’t been all that strict with yourself regarding oral hygiene and regular check-ups with your dentist, then the proof can often be in the pudding. Not only do your teeth not look at their best, but you can be more at risk of diseases and conditions that relate to a poor oral hygiene standard. Nearly 23 percent of Australians have moderate or severe gum disease (periodontitis), and you might be at risk.

What is Periodontitis?

Yokine Dentist Clear Choice advise that Periodontitis, also called gum disease, is a disease that comes without warning signs. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t see it coming. Poor oral hygiene is one of the leading causes. Gum disease is a result of plaque building up between your teeth and gums. As bacteria grows, it causes inflammation in your gums.

Without treatment, gum disease can lead to tooth loss, gum recession, and deterioration of both the bone and gums. Extensive research now also shows that there could be a link between gum disease, diabetes, and heart disease.

How Do I Know If I Have Gum Disease?

Gum disease is not something that rears its head as soon as you forget to brush your teeth. Instead, it’s a progressive disease that slowly worsens. When it’s in its advanced stages, you may start to notice symptoms. Hopefully, you’ve made a dentist appointment before it gets to this stage.

Baby’s Teeth

How to Care for a Baby’s Teeth

Even though your baby doesn’t have to see a dentist until they are one – or their first tooth shows – an oral health care regime starts much sooner. If you aren’t sure how to care for your baby’s teeth properly, or you need a helping hand, then read on.

As soon as your baby is born and starts drinking milk, you should keep in the back of your mind how important those early years are for their oral health. After each feed, wipe the milk residue from their gums with a soft piece of gauze to keep them clean.

Once their teeth start to grow in, a regular brushing regime should begin. Even though your baby’s first set of teeth don’t hang around for very long, they lay the foundation for permanent teeth. Their baby teeth need to be healthy so their gums and adult teeth will be as well.

From age two, you can begin using toothpaste on your tot’s toothbrush. Include brushing into their regime in the morning and at night and encourage them to take control of the process. It also helps to pay attention to how their teeth look. If you notice any discolouration or pitting, then establish why that is. Putting your baby to bed with milk or juice can cause cavities, pitting, and discolouration.

Root Canal Procedure

Everything You Need to Know About the Root Canal Procedure, And More

It’s okay to be a little bit fearful of the dentist and different dental procedures. However, not knowing what something involves doesn’t mean it’s something to fear. Take root canals, for example. This straightforward procedure is one that brings about an audible groan from many, but it’s one that can end up saving your tooth. Read on to discover what’s involved in a root canal, and more.

What is a Root Canal Procedure?

Root canal treatment is a process to try and save a decayed, infected, or damaged tooth. Your dentist will remove the nerves and pulp in your tooth to alleviate pain and discomfort. Dentists do root canals all the time, and they will be more than happy to walk you through the process for how they do it.

How is a Root Canal Procedure Performed?

If you have a severely damaged, decayed, or diseased tooth, your dentist might recommend a root canal. This procedure is one that could ultimately end up saving your tooth. The first thing your dentist will do is take an x-ray.

The x-ray will determine the root canal shape as well as where infection could be. They then numb the area with a local anaesthetic to ensure you’re as comfortable possible during the procedure.


Honey: How to Use For Your Health & Beauty

Honey in the health scene is not a new phenomenon, and even in the realm of natural skin care and body care products, it’s not a fad, trend, or new player. Honey has been, for hundreds of years or more, a favourite natural and organic product for health. Here is what you can expect when you purchase gooey gold honey in a jar. The benefits for every area of your body may just surprise you.

For Skin

If you have “problem skin” that always seems to flare up and become itchy or irritated, then it might be time to step away from synthetic creams and try honey. Honey features a whole host of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to clear up rashes, soothe irritations, fine lines and offer a beautiful summer glow. What’s more, it’s a far cheaper skin care product than what you’ll typically find from leading cream and lotion brands.

For Energy

If you struggle to find food to offer that much-needed energy boost for high-intensity training or activities, then reach for a jar of honey. Even by including a minuscule amount in homemade goods, you can benefit from a natural energy snack with plenty of amino acids, minerals, and proteins your body needs to function.