Why Infidelity Makes No Difference To Most Divorce Proceedings

Why Infidelity Makes No Difference To Most Divorce Proceedings

The assumption is that when a couple is married, or in a de facto relationship that they will remain faithful to each other for the entirety of the time they are together. When that is not the case, and one partner discovers that the other has cheated on them, then their next move tends to be to call their family lawyer at to start divorce proceedings.

Invariably they will tell their divorce lawyer that the reason for the divorce is infidelity, however, since 1975, getting divorced for that reason has not been a legal possibility. This is due to the fact that the Family Law Act of that year entered into Australian law the principle of no-fault divorce.

Prior to 1975, if you had wanted a divorce, you would have had to sit down with your divorce lawyer and basically build a case against your spouse to show that they were to blame for the marriage ending. Obviously, adultery, if proven or admitted by the other spouse, would indeed show that they were to blame, and the divorce would be granted on that basis.

3 Questions You Must Answer To Enhance The Sales Copy For Your Online Dating Site

3 Questions You Must Answer To Enhance The Sales Copy For Your Online Dating Site

In the unlikely scenario that you have an online dating site that is merely there to provide information, presumably there is at least one service or product that you want visitors to your website to like and ultimately purchase. You can encourage them to do so in many ways, but the advice from digital marketing experts is to use excellent copywriting.

Copywriting is the art of using written text in order to persuade someone to take a specific action. That action may not always be to buy something, and copywriting is often used to persuade someone to enter their email address, or to convince them to take out their mobile phone and make a call, for example. Whatever the desired action may be, with great copywriting it can be achieved.

If you want to hire a copywriter to make conversions increase on your online dating site, there are three basic questions which you must answer before they start planning to write. Without answers to these questions the sales copy that they produce may not be as effective as it otherwise could, so let us look at each of the questions, and why the answers to them are so important.

What Happens If Your Partner Wastes Assets During Your Divorce

What Happens If Your Partner Wastes Assets During Your Divorce

Divorce is invariably a stressful time for the two spouses, with issues such as finances including spousal  and child support often at the heart of the matter.  If or when a partner deliberately wastes assets during the divorce to alter their financial position, it is legally termed as dissipation of assets, and if you think this is what your ex is doing this, then you must inform your divorce lawyer.

What is Dissipation of Assets During a Divorce?

According to Black’s Law dictionary, dissipation is regarded as “the use of an asset for an illegal or inequitable purpose, like a spouse’s use of community property for their own benefit, especially when a divorce is apparent.” To put it simply, dissipation is wastage of marital funds or using any marital asset for any other purpose that doesn’t benefit a marriage.

Dissipation of assets can also be regarded as reckless spending or conduct, mainly if that money leaves the marital estate, which thereby reduces whatever remains to be divided during marriage or divorce.

From Fridge to Face: 3 Food Based Skin Care Recipes

From Fridge to Face: 3 Food Based Skin Care Recipes

In our modern and complicated 24-7 life, its sometimes nice to get back to basics and live simply. Not sure where to start? Begin in the bathroom by nourishing your skin with the best ingredients nature can provide – food! Making your own beautifully simple skin care is environmentally friendly, zero waste and kind to your hip pocket too. Don’t spend money on expensive chemical laden skincare with fancy names. Its time for fridge to face beauty! Try these 3 simple and easy to make skincare recipes.

Clear Skin Masque
2 tablespoons of Honest to Goodness Organic Raw Honey

1 tablespoon of Bob’s Red Mill Aluminium Free Baking soda

Mix together and apply to face and massage on in a circular motion. Leave for 15-20 minutes then wash off with warm water.

Raw unfiltered and unpasteurised honey contains incredible nutritional value and health powers. It cleanses pores, nourishes skin and calms redness and is a natural antibacterial with wound healing effects which is great for helping to prevent acne. Baking soda is a great exfoliant, removing dead skin cells and clearing pores, leaving the surface of the skin feeling soft and smooth.

Unlocking Mental Performance Through Meditation

Unlocking Mental Performance Through Meditation

Unlocking your mental performance can seem daunting, but if you take the time to meditate each day and focus your energy on positive thoughts, you will find it helps you be more productive and efficient in your daily life. Also assisting in reducing stress, improving concentration and focus, heightening creativity, and improving physical and mental health.

Different meditation styles and which works best

Meditation is a practice that has been used for centuries to promote well-being and healthy living. It is a tried-and-true method for calming the mind, relieving stress, and creating a sense of inner peace and relaxation. There are numerous meditation styles, each with its unique benefits. Here, we explore popular meditation styles and explain which works best for unlocking mental performance.

A. Mindfulness meditation focuses on developing an awareness of your thoughts and emotions, enabling you to observe them without judgement.
B. Transcendental meditation relies on the repetition of a mantra to bring about a sense of calm and relaxation.
C. Loving-Kindness meditation encourages the practice of compassion, kindness, and acceptance toward yourself and others.
D. Visualisation meditation involves picturing peaceful and calming scenes.

Each of these meditation styles can be effective for unlocking mental performance. However, the best choice depends on individual preference; experiment with techniques to find the one that works best for you.

How to fit meditation into a busy schedule

In today’s hectic world, it can be challenging to find the time to fit in meditation–but it is possible. With a few simple steps, you can unlock the mental performance benefits of regular meditation and make it a part of your daily routine. Here are six tips to help you fit meditation into your busy schedule: 1) Set aside 10-20 minutes each day for your meditation practice; 2) Try to do it at the same time each day for consistency; 3) Make use of short guided meditations to fit into your schedule; 4) Find a place to sit in a comfortable position; 5) Make sure to relax, breathe deeply, and clear your mind; and 6) Incorporate meditation into your daily activities, such as your morning commute or lunch hour. With these tips, you’ll be able to unlock the power of meditation and find yourself feeling more relaxed and in control.

Developing a personal meditation practice

Meditation can improve your overall well-being and healthy living and be tailored to fit your needs. Once you have familiarised yourself with the basics of meditation, develop a personal meditation practice that works for you. Start with just a few minutes each day and gradually increase the length of your practice. Take time to find a comfortable place to meditate and relax and breathe. As you become more comfortable with meditation, you can explore more advanced techniques and tailor your approach to help you achieve a more calm and relaxed state of mind.

Creating a calming space for meditation

Creating a calming space for meditation is one of the critical aspects of unlocking mental performance. This space should be free of distractions and provide an atmosphere of well-being and healthy living. To ensure the best possible experience, we recommend arranging the area with comfortable furniture and items that evoke a sense of relaxation and peace. Soft lighting and calming music can help you reach a peaceful state. Once your space is established, it’s time to take a deep breath and relax as you begin your meditation journey.

Establishing a consistent meditation routine

Establishing a consistent meditation routine is one of the surest paths to achieving well-being and healthy living. We can learn to relax and be present in the moment through meditation. A consistent meditation routine is a powerful tool for unlocking mental performance, as it helps to bring about a sense of calm and clarity. It allows us to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of life and breathe. Establishing a mediation practice can help re-centre your focus and gain perspective on your life.

Strategies for staying focused during meditation

Staying focused on the present moment is the core of unlocking mental performance through meditation. Here are ten strategies to help you stay focused during meditation:

A. Set a timer and break your meditation session into shorter chunks.

B. Pay attention to your breathing and focus on each inhale and exhale.

C. Practise mindful body scanning – observe the sensations of your body in its current state.

D. Visualise yourself in a calm environment.

E. When thoughts arise, acknowledge them without judgment and let them pass.

F. Focus on the room’s energy and bring your attention back to your body.

G. Stay connected to your physical body and notice any sensations that arise.

H. Consider setting an intention for your meditation session.

I. Make sure you’re comfortable – adjust posture, clothing, and environment.

J. Allow yourself to be in the present moment and savour the feelings of relaxation and well-being

Regular meditation can help unlock your mental performance and true potential. Meditation can help reduce stress, increase focus, and improve clarity. Taking a few moments each day to practice mindfulness can help you tap into your inner potential and cultivate greater self-awareness and acceptance.

Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery

Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery

Undertaking any type of elective surgery can be a huge decision to make – and laser eye surgery is no different. However, if your hesitation stems from not knowing potential benefits of such a surgery, then it can be quite important to do your homework. You may just discover more advantages of the procedure than you set out to find. 

No Need For Glasses

Perhaps the biggest and most obvious benefit associated with laser eye surgery is that you no longer have to wear glasses. That means each morning, you can get out of bed, see everything around you, and don’t have to feel around for your glasses. 

It can also mean you don’t have to worry about keeping them safe, matching them to your outfit, or having to worry about upgrading your frames or lenses every so often.

5 Myths About Dental Implants Debunked

Dental implants have been a solution for replacing missing or damaged teeth for some time now and have transformed the lives of many people. However, they may not be the most commonly known dental treatment, and certainly, compared to people’s understanding of what dentures are, there is certainly a gap in knowledge with regards to dental implant treatments.

As with any medical treatment or procedure that people are not 100% aware of, rumours, myths, and scare stories are conjured up by some unknown person or persons that invariably try to put a negative spin on it. Unfortunately, many of these stories seem so believable that they are accepted as the truth, and as such someone might deny themselves the opportunity to benefit from a treatment, that would otherwise benefit them.

Dental implants are as much subject to these myths and untruths as any other kind of treatment, particularly as it is considered ‘cosmetic’ and therefore in some peoples’ minds deemed as a prime candidate for negative stories. So, in order to help anyone who might be considering dental implants but has been put off by one of these myths, we are going to debunk the five most commonly told.

Website Design Principles Your Online Dating Site Must Follow

Website Design Principles Your Online Dating Site Must Follow

If you feel that your online dating site needs a makeover or even a complete rebuild with a brand new website, there are a number of basic website design guidelines you must follow if you want the completed website to be successful. These guidelines are some of the most important factors that the website design specialists at www.slinkywebdesign.com encourage every client who wants a new website to follow.

If you think about it, the building of a new website follows some of the same principles than if you were building a house, a car, or machine. It needs to be planned thoroughly, the assets required to build it must be in place, it requires a significant degree of skill and experience within the team who are building it, and the finished website needs to be fully checked tested before it goes live.

As well as those basic principles, there are additional guidelines that all experienced web designers will advise you to follow with respect to your new online dating website. Whilst there will be plenty of scope to make the website unique and to match your thoughts are in terms of its appearance and how it functions, these guidelines should be followed to ensure the success of your website.

How To Use Backlinks To Improve The Search Engine Ranking Of Your Online Dating Site

How To Use Backlinks To Improve The Search Engine Ranking Of Your Online Dating Site

If you have studied anything about SEO in order to try to improve the search engine rankings of your online dating we are sure you have come across the importance of link building to achieve it. SEO experts all agree that backlinks can act as fuel in driving a website from obscurity to the top of page one on Google, but only if they are set up correctly.

That last point about doing backlinks correctly needs to be considered very carefully because there are countless business owners who have tried to use backlinks to support their SEO efforts but have found them not to have had any measurable effect. Worse than that, if you set up backlinks in the wrong way, it can actually cause Google to penalise your website and send its rankings plummeting.

The solution to all this is to ensure that your backlinking strategy identifies online locations from which a backlink will help your rankings. Some of the key principles you need to follow are, 1) To seek out high quality backlinks, 2) Seek relevant links rather than simply going after as many links as you can, 3) To diversify the types of backlinks you use in terms of the sort of websites they come from, and 4) To create the links at a natural rate, rather than adding them all on the same day.

Let us look at these principles in a bit more detail

5 Fun Outdoor Games For Adult Groups

5 Fun Outdoor Games For Adult Groups

They say that as we grow older, the child within us never leaves us, and that to some extent explains why adults of all ages still love to play games. These can take several forms, and some group activities for adults range from outright competitive sports to simple games. These are good choices whether you’re organising barbecues or bucks parties.

If you are looking for new fun activities band in particular, games, and would prefer them to take place outdoors instead of indoors, we are going to outline 5 of them for you. We hope we have found at least one that everyone who reads this will find enjoyable.

#1 Ring Toss

For this, you will need plastic rings and a number of empty bottles. The object of the game is to throw a ring at the bottles and score points for each bottle that a ring lands around. As a variation, you could paint the bottles different colours and award different numbers of points depending on a bottle’s colour. You can compete against each other individually, or in teams.